OOO Prototype Manufacturer Belenergomash has extensive experience in the design and manufacture of air ducts and gas exhaust ducts for power facilities and for various technological lines. Our company is ready to manufacture elements of air ducts and gas ducts both according to the drawings of the customer, and with the involvement of specialists from our own design department. At the design stage, we are ready to take on the following work:
• calculations of pressure and temperature losses;
• calculations of thermal expansions and displacements;
• calculations of loads on supports, design of supports;
• choice of location for installation of fix-points;
• selection of sections of pipelines and methods of their connection;
• choice of material of manufacture and thickness of pipelines, depending on the working environment (taking into account the allowance for corrosion);
• development of construction documentation and installation instructions;
• selection of sealing elements;
• selection of shut-off and control valves;
• development of control algorithms for control and shut-off equipment;
• development and selection of silencers and directing devices.
When manufacturing equipment according to the project documentation provided to us, in any case, we pay attention to possible inaccuracies and check the following points before manufacturing products:
• possible intersection/overlapping of air ducts and gas ducts with other routes;
• correct installation of wall penetrations;
• possible influence of thermal expansions on the structure and supports;
• whether there is access to the serviced equipment;
• consistency and simplicity of connection of technological equipment to pipelines;
• the possibility of transportation of assembly units in the transport dimensions;
• whether there are sections “for fitting”, which greatly facilitates installation;
• possibility of purchasing used components and equipment in Russia.
Sales managers will answer all your questions:
(4722) 22-76-86